Desktop (Windows)
A multiplayer (split-screen or LAN) party game of cat and mouse created with our own custom engine.
Core engine (ECS, scenes, sequential multi-threaded loop)
Job based multi-threading
Game play (game manager, parts, contraptions, and player movement)
Mouse Craft by Team Omega was our term (4) project for our game development course. Mouse Craft is a party game built with the Omega Engine developed by our team of 7 in C++ with Visual Studio. The engine and game was built in 4 months.
Mouse Craft featured split-screen and LAN multiplayer. The mice could collect 3 different parts that could be combined into 6 different contraptions all with unique effects. The cat has two different abilities allowing to jump to higher floors and to knock over 3 different obstacles which could obstruct, hinder, or hurt the mice.
I was the lead for the Core Engine sub-team designing and developing the Entity Component System, scenes, memory management, and core engine loop. The core loop was based on Bungie's game engine architecture as seen on GDC. It featured multi-threading via jobs which distributed small tasks to all cores allowing full utilization.
I eventually switched over to the Game Play sub-team to develop many of the core game mechanics and assisted with physics and networking integration with the engine.
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