Desktop (Windows)
A time trial racing game built with my own custom game engine.
Personal Project (design, research, development)
Cloudtop Racer is a racing game I built with the Omega Engine V2 (OE2) – an engine mostly designed and developed by me. It revised the core engine from the Omega Engine and the rendering framework in the Undefined Engine which were both developed by me. Many of the other systems were also heavily revised and reintegrated for the new game. This engine was written in C++ on Visual Studio.
OE2 features a sequential core loop that distributes frame and fixed updates to systems and components achieving multi-threading through a job scheduler to utilize as many cores as the player computer has.
The rendering framework uses a deferred rendering pipeline allowing many lights and manipulation of the final result through post processes such as FXAA, stenciled blur (for “speed” blurring), and bloom. All the shaders were written by me and features a fully customizable shader and material settings for any mesh.
The engine also has a prefab system allowing loading of registered components and entities through json files, allowing me (or anyone) to design their own levels or even their own game with sufficient components.
This game took around 2 weeks, 1 week to revise and reintegrate all the systems with the new core engine and another 1 week to design, develop, and polish the game.
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